
Uber and Visa are helping businesses transition to sustainable packaging

The companies’ joint initiative will provide $1 million for sustainable packaging solutions to qualifying Uber Eats restaurants in New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris and Madrid.
A Uber Eats bag.
This effort is part of a larger initiative by Uber to support businesses who use Uber Eats to grow, / Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

Uber and Visa are teaming up on a program aimed at supporting small- and medium-sized businesses in their transition to sustainable packaging.

The program will provide $1 million for sustainable packaging solutions. The money will go to qualifying Uber Eats restaurants in New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris and Madrid, according to a press release. Details of the partnership, including information on how to qualify and apply, will be provided within the coming months, Uber said.

This effort is part of a larger initiative by Uber to support businesses who use Uber Eats to grow, the company said.

It’s also the latest from Uber and Visa, who teamed up in 2022 to launch the Grants for Growth program, which provided microgrants of $10,000 to 100 small restaurants impacted by COVID, natural disasters or other events throughout the year.

"Building on the success of our shared support for small-and medium-sized businesses, I'm very happy to be turning our efforts with Visa towards how we can help restaurant owners reduce packaging waste and contribute to the fight against climate change," said Pierre-Dmitri Gore-Coty, SVP and global head of delivery for Uber, in the release. "Single-use packaging is used in nearly every takeout order worldwide—with Visa and our restaurant partners, we can work towards reducing waste and helping small businesses thrive."

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