
How a new carbon footprint disclosure law in Calif. will affect restaurants

Working Lunch: Townsend Brown, policy analyst with Multistate, joins the podcast to discuss the law. Also, the restaurant industry may have beaten back another tip credit proposal.

Another new law in California could have a big impact on restaurants.

This week’s Working Lunch features an interview with Townsend Brown, a policy analyst with Multistate, who discusses a law in the state that will require large companies to disclose data on their global carbon footprints.

How will companies comply with the rule and could they face legal action?

In addition, the podcast from public affairs firm Align Public Strategies features a discussion on a proposal to kill the tip credit in Montgomery County, Md., where the industry had a big showing—this one from servers who feared that the proposal would hurt their incomes. The showing might have beaten back another tip credit elimination proposal.

All that plus Legislative Scorecard.

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