
How Technology Can Save Time And Boost Efficiency In The Back Of House

Galley Solutions

How technology can save time and boost efficiency in the back of house

Sponsored content from our partner Galley Solutions.

Managing labor, food costs and daily tasks in foodservice operations is a tricky endeavor. With so many different things to account for, including staffing, inventory, recipes and so much more, it’s understandable that operators are looking for more efficient ways to get the job done. Thankfully, like many other areas of foodservice management, there are tech-based solutions that can ease the burden, while streamlining costs and boosting efficiency.

Why streamlining is so important

In a time when margins are as razor-thin as they are now, it’s never been more crucial to trim the fat, so to speak—that is, to ensure optimal efficiency in all areas of the operation. In the back of house, efficiency means simplifying production and prep processes to minimize the amount of labor needed—both overall and for each dish prepared. It also means having a deep understanding of food costs and profitability, which makes it easier to develop higher-margin dishes to boost the profitability of the menu. Efficiency in the kitchen should also include ways to optimize purchasing—including having at-a-glance insights into inventory and what needs to be ordered.

By streamlining every aspect of the back of house, operators not only optimize their profit potential, but they also free up resources that can be used elsewhere. For instance, if workers are inventorying ingredients manually, moving to digital inventorying can allow their labor hours to be used in a different area, somewhere that can enhance customer experience. Automating back of house operations opens up labor hours for an array of other tasks—and with the hours saved by digitizing, operators can use that extra time to create a new special or other offering. Additionally, having this level of data available can help foodservice operations grow more easily and efficiently.

How tech helps

Technologies exist to help boost efficiencies in all areas of life, and that includes foodservice management. Galley Solutions is a comprehensive tool meant to make operators' lives easier—with a recipe catalog; ingredient and vendor management; order, prep and execution automation; purchasing, receiving and fulfillment management; automated priving updates and invoice management and more—it's an all-in-one program designed to make managing the back of house easier and more accurate. Galley's recipe-first culinary operating system COS helps kitchens not only streamline prep, but predict labor, track tasks and more—all so the kitchen runs smoothly.

The Production Planner tool makes it simple for operators to create a dependable plan of action, which allows teams to better coordinate and execute menus. From simplifying scheduling and execution to organizing kitchen staff, it’s the solution operators have been looking for. With Galley, there’s no need to rely on inaccurate and error-prone paper and pen plans, and since everything is digitized, it’s easy to update and modify information as needed—manage out of stocks, schedule or prep changes and more in a snap.

Kitchen staffs are already stretched thin—making the job easier while optimizing profitability is a win-win for both operators and workers. To learn more about how Galley Solutions improves efficiency in foodservice operations, visit

This post is sponsored by Galley Solutions


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