
McDonald's is making a bigger Big Mac

The company later this month will release a Double Big Mac because why not?
double big mac
McDonald's will start selling the Double Big Mac on Jan. 24. | Image courtesy of McDonald's

Those of you who thought the Big Mac had an unfavorable bread-to-meat ratio are in luck.

McDonald’s on Jan. 24 will start selling the Double Big Mac, at participating locations that is. It is as it says it is: A Big Mac with double the meat.

It features four patties, more Big Mac sauce, and then pickles, lettuce, chopped onions, a slice of cheese and that famous bun.

For the company, it continues a pattern of measured menu innovation. McDonald’s has been careful when it comes to menu news, opting mostly for simple introductions that are easy for operators to craft.

Many of its most notable introductions, dating back to the famous Travis Scott Meal featuring a Quarter Pounder with lettuce, have largely been reconfigurations of items already in the restaurants. Such moves give the company marketing news to highlight to customers without requiring a hefty lift from its franchisees.

The Double Big Mac adds no new ingredients that operators must purchase or employees must handle. The workers just put a couple additional patties on the burger and another dose of sauce.

It also continues the company’s emphasis on its core menu. McDonald’s has emphasized its traditional favorites coming out of the pandemic.

That said, the Chicago-based fast-food giant has also indicated that it wants to sell more chicken items. Yet the Big Mac remains exclusively beef. No Chicken Big Mac is in sight in the U.S. yet.

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