Inside Kernel, where culinary and tech meet in a new fast-casual model

Chipotle founder Steve Ells’ plant-powered concept pairs a chef-driven commissary kitchen with automated onsite prep and a unique brand of hospitality.

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Social media giveth and social media taketh away

The Bottom Line: McDonald’s, Starbucks and Chipotle, chains that have historically benefitted from social media love, are learning the hard way that it can have the opposite effect. Brands should take heed.


Here's what restaurants want out of their tech suppliers

Data and reporting are top priorities, while AI is an afterthought, according to new research from Olive Technologies.


Where are Simone Biles fans going to eat this Olympics?

Reality Check: Restaurants will be competing for attention this year with the Summer Games and political advertising. It could be a test of whether digital marketing, and loyalty programs in particular, can deliver on their promise.