April feature releases at Bizimply

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April feature releases

Contracted Hours: Added to Employee Import & Update Employee Profiles ????

Account administrators will now see a column on the Employee Import file for uploading Contracted Hours for all new starters. As well as this, you can update any existing employees’ Contracted Hours by using the ‘Update Employee Profile’ functionality in the Employee Settings. It makes keeping your Employee Profiles updated easier than ever. 

Employee Import & Update Employee Profiles

Shiftlog Book Updates

The Shiftlog Book is a secure tool in Bizimply that can be edited to your company’s requirements. It provides vital information to oncoming shift workers to keep them up to date on what happened on the previous shift and has been proven to increase productivity and reduce downtime.

So, what has changed?

Customers will notice a new look to aspects of the Shiftlog Book. This is part of a bigger project to upgrade and enhance the functionality of the Shiftlog Book based on customer feedback.

Documents: Date and Time âŒš

Customers who use our extremely helpful ‘Documents’ feature will notice a new column displaying the time and date that a document was uploaded. This is helpful for locations away from the head office to know when a new document was added to a company folder.


MyZimply 3.2.0 

We are delighted to announce that we will shortly be releasing MyZimply version 3.2.0. In this version, employees will be able to request Time Off via the app. Streamlining the time-off request process, using a standard time-off request form and having a clear time-off policy can prevent headaches for both you and employees who need to take time away.

Having a set, documented procedure for when staff request a day off from work ensures staff understand their responsibilities and helps prevent understaffed shifts, unhappy employees, and unnecessary stress.

Keep your eyes peeled for our messages regarding the release! ????

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