How to Create an Engaging Web Design for Your Restaurant 

As a restaurant owner, you’ve put some serious thought into your interior design, menu development and ambience creation to make your guests feel comfortable and attract more people to visit.  But have you thought about your website design? Your restaurant website needs to help your guests find you online, inform them about your menu and, possibly, help them reserve a table or order a delivery directly from you. 

Plus, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to address the safety measures your restaurant is taking. 

We’ve put together seven key tips to help you design an engaging website for your restaurant: 

Keep the COVID-19 updates visible  Align your web design with your style   Tell your story in a unique way  Represent the whole menu   Implement an online reservation system  Make your contact information visible  Optimize your website for local search   Let's take a closer look at each of these tips to help you…