Your Restaurant Business Could Be Liable if Workers Bring Coronavirus to the Table

Whether a worker contracted coronavirus from another employee or gave it to a customer, restaurant owners/operators can be held liable. Find out what you can do to reduce your risk of workers’ compensation claims associated with coronavirus. 

As the deadly coronavirus spreads its wings globally, many local businesses are asking themselves: What if one of our workers tests positive for coronavirus? Could we be held liable if they contracted in our establishment, or they cause it to spread to customers?

The answer is yes.

A hospitality business can file a worker’s compensation (WC) claim if a worker contracts the coronavirus and unknowingly brings it to work, putting other employees and customers at risk.  

WC policies typically cover lost time, permanent disability, medical expenses and provide death benefits for workers in such a scenario. 

What if an employee unknowingly infects their spouse and children? Again, this is a covered peril. This time under WC coverage B, or the…