How Bars and Restaurants Can Prepare for a Safe Football Season

It’s a fact that football season can get rowdy. Unsurprisingly, a survey of NFL fans shows they drink more when their team loses. For example, four out of 10 Saints fans report drinking “heavily” when they lose. Meanwhile, one-third of all NFL fans surveyed report “pregaming” before kickoff, while Denver Broncos fans lead the pack, drinking an average of eight drinks before the game.

While businesses in the hospitality industry provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere for clientele to briefly escape their everyday routines, it’s also their responsibility to keep their patrons safe. As we all know, excessive drinking can lead to altercations on-site (a fifth of fans admitted they’d gotten into a verbal spat with someone before a game), physical harm to oneself and others, and lead to widespread issues once a patron has left an establishment. 

Ahead of this year’s football season, the team at Society Insurance has put together the top four tips on how a restaurant and/or…