Beyond the Four Walls: Why Now Is the Time for Restaurants to Leverage Digital

No one knows what the future of foodservice looks like, but there are crucial hints in the data, analytics and e-commerce.

If we have learned anything during the last few months, it is that sticking to the, “it’s how we have always done it,” mentality won’t position restaurants for recovery. Leaders across all business sectors are accomplishing changes in days or weeks that normally would have taken months or years. Those pivots are also reflected in the digital world, in which websites that previously offered little more than a business’s name, address and phone number now have much higher consumer requirements. 

Why? Data.

Data shows that a large part of the consumer experience has extended beyond the four walls. Thus, e-commerce is quickly moving front and center.

No one knows what the future of foodservice looks like, but there are crucial hints in the data, analytics and e-commerce.

In 2020, too many restaurant websites are still little more than digital brochures…