Technology Upgrades That Make a Difference

There is no question that the past two years have been a rollercoaster ride for the restaurant industry and the world at large (in fact, “rollercoaster ride” might be an understatement). Though much ink has been spilled over the difficult hurdles restaurants survived — and thrived — through, it’s also important to highlight the positive changes that are transforming the industry, and that includes technology.  

Technology, Then and NowTraditionally, the restaurant world has been slower to adapt to technology and digital tools compared to other sectors. But the pandemic changed everything, and most of the technology that owners and operators adapted to stay afloat has become the new reality. Restaurants pivoted to contactless ordering with open arms for sanitary and social distancing purposes, and embraced digital platforms and apps that enabled streamlined delivery and curbside pickup. In the storm of the pandemic, restaurants were able to serve orders efficiently and…