A CPA’s Insight on Top Issues Restaurant Owners Face

For restaurant owners, there are a number of issues in their workplace keeping them up at night and hindering them from successfully managing and operating their restaurant efficiently. As a firm that specializes in working with clients in the restaurant industry, we regularly assist restaurant owners with many of these issues, particularly in areas like tax compliance, payroll, bookkeeping, and providing sound financial advice to help manage cash flow and business growth strategies. 

Money and Inventory ManagementThe profitability of a restaurant depends on the careful management of cash flow. In turn, owners should be intentionally aware of where their money is going to ensure they are making more than they are spending. 

Inventory management is another key issue that can creep up if owners are not aware of what product they have and how much is currently available. Keeping track of food and beverage inventory is imperative to preventing product waste and theft.

Workplace Culture…