What Happens to Used Cooking Oil When it Goes Down the Drain

Cooking oil is a staple within commercial kitchens. It’s required for deep frying, and the various types of cooking oil to choose from affect the taste and texture of the food.

Once a batch of restaurant cooking oil is spent and no longer good for frying, it must be disposed of somewhere. Because it is a liquid, you might be tempted to pour restaurant cooking grease down the drain, but that should never be an option. What might seem like an easy solution to dispose of waste, will only cause your business major problems, costing you time and money in the long run.

Here is a look at what happens when used cooking oil is poured down the drain and why your restaurant staff should never do it.


Grease on a table, before fully cooling with text in front of it saying "Grease hardens when it cools, meaning that it won’t remain a liquid for long. Once it hardens, it will stick to the side of your drainage pipes and residue will begin to build up."

1. Cooking Grease Hardens When it…