A Chef’s Guide to Sustainable Dining

There are two key reasons for moving to more sustainable gastronomy: one is because climate change is threatening our very food supply, and the other is that how we are currently producing food is contributing to climate change. The proverbial chicken and egg.

A few years back, the United Nations declared June 18th Sustainable Gastronomy Day in an effort to promote and encourage sustainable dining across the globe.

For many there’s the will to take action but not the know how to do it.

What Is Sustainable Gastronomy and Why Is it Important?“Sustainable gastronomy is the process of cookery that focuses on the ingredients’ source, how food is grown, the means by which it gets to the market, and eventually, to the plates of consumers. It is about choosing food that is both healthy to the environment and our bodies, a crucial aspect of sustainable gastronomy,” said Dr. Adenike Akinsemolu, a sustainability expert and environmentalist from the Green Institute.
