Safely Reopening Restaurants in the Era of COVID-19

 As restaurants begin the process of reopening, some with an extended period of nonoperation, there are safety precautions that must be considered beyond simply ordering supplies, rehiring staff and opening the doors. Some of these precautions are normal for any business closed for an extended period, while others are directly related to COVID-19 – with local health departments setting new enhanced safety guidelines.First, let’s cover the basics: the precautions required without consideration to COVID-19. Depending on the length of time a business has been closed, local health departments will focus on any imminent health hazards. Imminent health hazards are conditions that pose a significant threat or danger to health and that require immediate correction. These can take the form of vermin infestations, such as live cockroaches, flies or rodents, an improperly functioning sewage system or a lack of potable water. All of which could occur during prolonged periods of…