Sat.Jan 27, 2018 - Fri.Feb 02, 2018

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Menu Fresh: Google Now Allows Restaurant Owners to Edit Menus That Display in Search Results


Google has announced that it will allow restaurant owners who use the Google My Business service to edit their own menu listing. This is huge for restaurants that update their menus frequently or feature things like seasonal specials. Local business searches via Google for things like restaurants have continued to rise over the last several […].

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6 Ways Your Customer Can Wow Your Brand

Gourmet Marketing

Marketing may begin at home, but if it stops there, you’re probably missing opportunities. Ideally, you also want your customers speaking highly of you. The best proof is social proof. Try as you might, it’s difficult to boost your credibility without third-party validation. So, how can you go about “wowing” your guests? What can you do to gain their approval and praise?

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