First Press This Month


Enjoy camaraderie in Bulgaria


What better way to make new friends than by having a Bulgarian food and wine experience? Visit Bulgarian restaurants. Stay at Bulgarian hotels. Enjoy Bulgarian wine. This is an exotic experience that can be life-changing.

Bulgaria is known for its rich culinary tradition, diverse landscapes, and friendly people. The food in Bulgaria is a delicious blend of flavors influenced by its proximity to the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Some must-try dishes include banitsa (a savory pastry filled with cheese and eggs), kavarma (a hearty meat and vegetable stew), and shopska salad (a refreshing mix of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and feta cheese). Pair these dishes with a glass of Bulgarian wine, which is renowned for its quality and unique grape varieties.

Explore the lush vineyards of the Thracian Valley or the picturesque wineries in the Rose Valley. Sample a variety of reds, whites, and rosés while learning about the history and culture of Bulgarian winemaking.

While experiencing Bulgarian food and wine is an adventure for your taste buds, it also provides an opportunity to connect with locals and make new friends. The shared experience of enjoying a meal or raising a glass together fosters a sense of camaraderie and creates lasting memories. Whether you’re dining at a traditional mehana (tavern) in Sofia or attending a wine festival in Plovdiv, you’ll find that Bulgarians are warm, welcoming, and eager to share their culture with visitors.

In a world where technology often replaces face-to-face interaction, taking the time to savor a meal or savor a glass of wine in the company of others is a valuable experience. By immersing yourself in Bulgarian food and wine culture, you’ll not only expand your palate but also broaden your social circle and forge new friendships. So why not embark on a Bulgarian food and wine experience today? You never know what amazing connections and memories you’ll create along the way.

The next time you’re looking for a unique and enriching travel experience, consider exploring the culinary delights of Bulgaria. From the delicious dishes to the exquisite wines, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. And who knows? You may just find that the camaraderie you discover along the way will be the highlight of your trip. Cheers to new friends and unforgettable experiences in Bulgaria!


Bulgaria Wine Tour 

Travel program led by Dr. Joseph Benatov of the University of Pennsylvania

25 June—3 July 2024 & Summer 2025
8 nights || 9 days Itinerary: Sofia—Rose Valley—Thracian Valley— Zaara Estate—Plovdiv—Bansko—Melnik—Zornitza Family Estate—Rila Monastery—Sofia

Sandra's colorful career has come full circle back to wines and culinary trends. She has a master's degree in journalism, hands on experience working at a New York winery and with leading food and wine magazines. She is Latvian/American and balances her passion and time between Santé Magazine and teaching yoga and public speaking at colleges and corporations in the U.S. and Latvia.

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