Recommended This Month Vol. 27 No. 08 Wine

Escarpment Martinborough Pinot noir 2021


Escarpment Martinborough Pinot Noir, hailing from the lush vineyards of Martinborough, New Zealand, is indeed a wine that demands your attention and savoring. With its multifaceted structure and unique blend of aromas, this wine presents a beverage experience that’s as enriching as it is enjoyable.

One immediately notices the complex medley of aromas emanating from the wine. The distinct notes of turned earth and spices form an intriguing prelude to the sensory journey that awaits. These earthy aromas serve not merely as a showcase of the wine’s origin but also lend an air of mystery that excites the senses.

Upon tasting, the palate is introduced to a delightful complexity typified by hints of an earthy forest and mushrooms. This gives a certain ‘wild’ attribute to the wine which is captivating for any wine enthusiast. The tannins, notably soft and ripe, contribute to a well-rounded mouthfeel and combine exquisitely with the wine’s medium body to provide a rich, immersive drinking experience.

One of the distinctive features of the Escarpment Martinborough Pinot Noir is its finish – it is akin to a soft landing, velvety and calm, leaving a delightful aftermath of its world of flavors without becoming overly assertive or bold. This subtly encourages the anticipation of the next sip, making the overall experience incredibly enjoyable.

The Escarpment Martinborough Pinot Noir is an engaging blend of unique, earthy aromas and intriguing flavors that come together in nice harmony. The wine’s smooth tannins, medium body, and soft finish make it a remarkable offering from the rich wine repertoire of New Zealand. Its innate elegance and quiet complexity make this Pinot Noir a standout option for both the discerning connoisseur and the adventurous novice.

SRP: A worthy $45

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