First Press Santé Wine & Spirit International Awards Vol. 27 No. 06

The Santé International Wine & Spirits Competition

It's an Excellent Value


Reach over 200,000 restaurateurs and wine and spirits enthusiasts at a fraction of the cost of advertising.

Winning a Santé International Wine & Spirits Competition award will spotlight your brand to decision-makers in the on-premise industry. Greater than 95% of Santé subscribers are CEOs, presidents, and managers in the hospitality industry. Our reach is amplified by social media shares and syndication via Restaurateur Connection, Apple News, and Google News, with an average monthly reach of 200,000. The mission of Santé Magazine is to report and help shape the buying trends of casual-upscale to upscale restaurants. We want to help brands spread the message to opinion leaders and influencers.

The deadline to register is July 1st., 2023. Click to register now.

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