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The 10 Best Venue Management Software — Detailed Comparison

June 1, 2023 13 min
Senior Content Manager at Eat App
Reviewed by
Co-founder and CEO of Eat App

Venue management can be a complex task, demanding proper organization, seamless communication, and efficient coordination. However, technology has brought forth a range of innovative software solutions that address the challenges faced by venue managers and owners.

The venue management software market size will reach multimilions by 2030 according to recent studies. Discover how these software solutions can revolutionize your venue management practices, empowering you to overcome challenges and unlock the full potential of your event spaces.

From lead management and booking optimization to event planning and resource allocation, we put up a list of 10 top-rated management software options that offer powerful tools to streamline operations and enhance profitability. 

Key Takeaways

  • Venue management software helps streamline operations and enhance efficiency by automating tasks such as booking, scheduling, event planning, and communication, making it easier for venues to manage events and provide excellent service to their clients.
  • Eat App stands out as the best venue management software due to its comprehensive set of features, user-friendly interface, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer support.
  • Other software solutions to consider are Event Temple, Tripleseat and Perfect Venue.

Criteria for comparing venue management software

When it comes to choosing venue management software, it's important to consider specific criteria that can help determine the best solution for your business. These criteria play a vital role in enhancing efficiency, streamlining processes, and maximizing the overall effectiveness of your venue management operations. Here are our most important criteria:

  • Features. The features offered by the software directly impact its functionality and the ability to address specific venue management needs. Comprehensive features such as event scheduling, reservations, CRM, reporting, and staff management can significantly enhance efficiency and streamline operations.
  • Price. The cost of the software is a crucial factor to consider, especially for businesses with budget constraints. It's important to evaluate the pricing structure, whether it's a one-time payment or a subscription-based model, and determine if the software's benefits align with its cost.
  • Ease of use. Venue management software should be intuitive and user-friendly to ensure that staff can quickly adapt to and utilize its features. A user-friendly interface and simplified workflows can improve productivity and minimize the need for extensive training.
  • Customer support. Prompt assistance in case of inquiries, issues, or technical difficulties ensures that any challenges are addressed promptly, minimizing disruptions to venue operations.
  • Integrations. The ability of the software to integrate with other systems or third-party tools is crucial for seamless data transfer and enhanced functionality. Integrations with payment gateways, CRM systems, accounting software, or marketing platforms can streamline processes and improve efficiency.

The 10 best venue management software 

Eat Appeat app venue management software

Eat App, the system we created, is a comprehensive venue and restaurant management software that caters to the needs of restaurants and hospitality businesses. It provides a range of features and solutions to streamline operations, enhance guest experiences, and optimize business efficiency for event planners.


  • Table management. Eat App offers advanced table management tools that allow venues to efficiently handle reservations, walk-ins, and table assignments. The software provides real-time visibility of table availability and enables staff to optimize seating arrangements for maximum capacity utilization.
  • Online reservations. With Eat App, venues can accept online reservations through their website or mobile app. This feature provides a convenient and user-friendly booking experience for customers while reducing the workload of manually managing reservations. You can also easily categorize guest reservations according to their preferences such as indoor vs. outdoor seating.
  • Guest relationship management. Eat App focuses on building strong relationships with guests by capturing and managing guest data. Venues can collect valuable insights about their guests, including dining preferences, allergies, and special occasions. This information enables personalized service and enhances the overall dining experience. For example, assign guest tags “vegetarian” or “loves chocolate desserts”.
  • Waitlist management. The software offers waitlist and queuing management functionality, allowing restaurants to efficiently manage walk-in guests during peak times. It helps minimize wait times, improve guest satisfaction, and optimize table turnover.
  • Analytics and reporting. Eat App provides in-depth analytics and reporting features that allow venues to track key performance metrics, such as reservation patterns, event sales, and guest feedback. This data-driven insight enables informed decision-making and helps identify areas for improvement.


Eat App offers a free trial, free plan and 3 paid plans for various restaurant and event venue types. Check out our pricing page for more details.

Ease of Use

Eat App’s layout is user-friendly and very customizable to the venue’s preferences and needs. The interface is thoughtfully organized, making it simple for venue staff to access the various features and functionalities without confusion.

All relevant information, such as guest details, reservation history, and table statuses, is readily accessible within the software. This centralized approach eliminates the need for manual record-keeping or switching between multiple systems, saving time and reducing the chances of errors.

Customer support

Eat App offers 24/7 live chat customer service to assist venues and restaurants with any inquiries, technical issues, or questions they may have. Users can also look up useful information on our blog, case studies, and unique guides. The support team aims to provide prompt and reliable assistance to ensure a smooth experience for their clients.


Eat App integrates with various third-party systems and services to enhance its functionality. It seamlessly integrates with payment gateways, point-of-sale (POS) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and other software solutions commonly used in the restaurant industry. The most popular integrations are with booking channels Google and Instagram, Oracle, Stripe, and Autoclerk.

Event Templeevent temple venue management software

Event Temple is a comprehensive online venue management software designed to streamline and automate various aspects of event management. It offers a range of features and functionalities to help venues effectively manage their operations. Here are some key aspects of Event Temple:


  • Lead and inquiry management. Event Temple allows venues to efficiently manage leads and inquiries, track communication history, and create custom proposals and contracts.

  • Calendar and event management. The software provides a centralized calendar to manage events, bookings, and availability. Users can also create custom event packages and manage event details.

  • CRM and Guest Management. Event Temple includes a built-in customer relationship management (CRM) system to store and manage guest information, including contact details, preferences, and communication history.

  • Sales CRM. The software enables venues to track sales and revenue performance, generate reports, and analyze data to make informed business decisions.

  • Online booking and payments. Event Temple offers online booking capabilities, allowing clients to view availability, book events, and make payments through integrated payment gateways.

  • Email Marketing and communication. The platform supports email marketing campaigns, automated email workflows, and personalized communication with clients and prospects.

Priceevent temple pricing

EventTemple offers a free trial on request and 3 paid plans with different features. The basic plan is $109/month and the most popular is $199/month.

Ease of Use

Event Temple is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that simplifies the venue management process.

The software provides a clean and organized layout, making it easy to navigate and access the various features and functions. It offers drag-and-drop functionality and customizable templates for creating proposals, contracts, and other documents.

Customer Support

Event Temple provides customer support through various channels, including email, phone, and online chat. They have a dedicated support team that assists users with any questions, issues, or technical difficulties. Additionally, Event Temple offers online resources such as their blog, e-books and case studies to help users maximize the software's capabilities.


Event Temple integrates with Gmail and Outlook, as well as Zapier.

Tripleseattripleseat venue management software

Tripleseat is a venue management software that focuses on simplifying event planning and management processes for venues and event professionals. It offers a range of features to streamline operations, let’s see some most popular ones:


  • Venue management. Tripleseat allows you to easily add events to the calendar, schedule appointments, register guests.
  • Invitations. Send guest invitations via text message or email in seconds.
  • Ready-made templates. Helping inexperienced or non-tech-savvy users execute tasks quickly.
  • Payment processing. You can also add payment connections as needed, making payment and collection processes simple and secure.
  • EventUp Portal. Upload venue floor design, videos, and photos to market your venue better.
  • Document management. Automatically generates documents that are ready to be signed.


The price of this venue management software isn’t publicly available.

Ease of Use

Tripleseat is web-based, so it can be accessed anywhere, and customers say it is really easy to use after you get used to their interface.

Customer support

Tripleseat offers speedy customer support through mail,phone and the chatbot on their website. Live agents are always available to help out if needed, but customers can check their knowledge base, FAQ section and news if they want to get the answers by themselves.


Tripleseat has many popular integrations used in the hospitality industry, like MailChimp, Meta for Business, Constant Contact, and Outlook.

Perfect Venueperfect venue event management software

Perfect Venue is a comprehensive venue management software designed to streamline operations and enhance efficiency for event organizers.

Perfect Venue empowers venue managers to effortlessly organize events, automate tasks, gain valuable insights, and provide exceptional experiences for clients.

It's a powerful solution that simplifies venue management and helps businesses thrive in the events industry.


  • Automated document generation. The software automates the generation of essential documents such as Banquet Event Orders (BEOs) and proposals. This saves time and eliminates manual errors, ensuring accurate and professional documentation.

  • Email templates and automation. Perfect Venue offers a library of customizable email templates that can be personalized with event information. You can send emails three times faster by using these templates, streamlining communication with clients, vendors, and staff. Automated reminder emails can also be set up to ensure timely communication.

  • Centralized booking calendar. The centralized booking calendar allows you to view and manage all event bookings in one place. It synchronizes with popular calendar tools like Google Calendar, ensuring up-to-date and accurate scheduling information.

  • Robust analytics. Perfect Venue provides in-depth event analytics to track key metrics and performance indicators. You can gain insights into sales figures, compare year-over-year data, set goals, and monitor revenue generated and pending. These analytics facilitate informed decision-making and help you identify areas for improvement.

  • Online menu add-ons. The software allows you to easily upsell clients by offering online menu add-ons. Guests can select additional menu options, enhancing their event experience while increasing your revenue potential.


Perfect Venue offers a 14-day free trial for new users and 3 paid plans with various features.

The basic plan is $59/month, the professional plan is $119, and the most expensive plan is $189.

perfect venue price

Ease of Use

Venue prides itself on its user-friendly interface and intuitive design. The software requires little to no training, allowing users to adapt and utilize its features quickly. With its modern and cloud-based infrastructure, it simplifies the venue management process, ensuring a seamless experience for users.

Customer support

Perfect Venue provides reliable customer support to assist users whenever needed. Their support team consists of real people who are available to answer questions, offer guidance, and address any concerns promptly, ensuring a positive user experience.


Perfect Venue integrates seamlessly with popular apps like Google Calendar, QuickBooks, Gmail and Stripe enhancing collaboration and ensuring smooth data synchronization. This compatibility makes it easy to incorporate the software into your existing workflow.

iVvy Venue managementIVvy Venue management software

iVvy is a popular venue management software that offers a comprehensive set of features to assist in the efficient management of venues and events. Their software is designed to help venues increase revenue, optimize function space utilization, and streamline event management through automation and cloud-based technology. Here are some key aspects of iVvy Venue Management:


  • CRM. Record tasks, emails and other activities and get all your information centralized on one platform.
  • Volume contracts. Easily quote and contract LNR business with one platform.
  • Invoices. Take payments online and invoice clients in a few steps.
  • Reporting. The automated report builder collects the most important information for you.
  • Booking. Direct booking from your website.
  • Function diary. View all your bookings in one central location for better organization.
  • IVvy Marketplace. Access to a global online directory that enhances venue exposure.


IVvy isn't a free venue management software, but pricing isn’t available publicly. Schedule a demo to test the tool and find out more about their pricing plans.

Ease of Use

The software is cloud-based and it’s easy to navigate and use, even if you don’t have any experience with venue management systems.

Customer Support

IVvy offers amazing customer support via telephone, and users have noticed that they are efficient when setting the software up for you and very responsive if users face technical problems.


With integration capabilities for over 55 third-party programs, iVvy definitely has all that venue managers would need when choosing venue management software solutions that align with the rest of their tools.

Rendezvous Eventsrendezvus events venue management software

Rendezvous Events is a comprehensive venue management software designed specifically for conference centers and venues. It offers a range of features to streamline event management processes and enhance customer relationships. Here are the key highlights:


  • Event management CRM. Rendezvous Events provides a powerful database that captures all the necessary information for scheduling, monitoring, and prioritizing follow-up tasks with existing and prospective clients. The CRM functions handle the sales process from initial inquiry to final contract, making it efficient and seamless.

  • Space booking software. The software is purpose-built to handle every aspect of events, whether it's a conference center, unique venue, conference hotel, stadium, or association. It covers all stages, from initial contact and planning to execution and billing. The solution also includes a powerful CRM tool to identify repeat business opportunities.

  • Billing management software. Rendezvous Events offers billing management software that streamlines all billing processes for events. It effortlessly handles deposit management, invoicing, credit notes, and other related details. Integration with accounting systems ensures a smooth flow of financial data.


The pricing details for Rendezvous Events may vary depending on factors such as the size of the venue and specific requirements and aren't publicly available.

Ease of use

Events aim to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface. It is designed to be easily navigable, ensuring that venue managers and staff can quickly adapt to the software and effectively utilize its features.

Customer Support

Their support team is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and address any concerns promptly.  Rendezvous also offers its website content for more information.


It's advisable to check with the Rendezvous Events team or refer to their documentation for a comprehensive list of integrations available.

Event Guruevent guru venue management software

Event Guru Software is a cloud-based event management and event venue software tailored for small to medium-sized conference and event venues.

It offers a balance between affordability and functionality, catering to venues that can't invest in expensive and complex software solutions.

With Event Guru, you'll have quick access to event management tools, ensuring a seamless event lifecycle.


  • Event scheduling. Efficiently manage event schedules, including booking, availability, and conflicts.

  • Attendee registration. Collect attendee information, process registrations, and manage ticketing.

  • Floor plan management. Create and manage interactive floor plans for event spaces.

  • Event marketing: Promote events through various channels, such as email marketing and social media.

  • Reporting and analytics. Generate comprehensive reports and gain insights into event performance.

  • Catering management. Streamline catering processes, including menu selection, dietary requirements, and food ordering.


For detailed pricing information, it is recommended to contact the Event Guru team directly or visit their official website to request a quote tailored to your specific needs.

Ease of use

Event Guru aims to offer a fast and easy-to-use interface for venue managers and event organizers. Its cloud-based system ensures accessibility from anywhere, while the intuitive interfaces and quick onboarding process facilitate efficient event management. 

Customer support

Event Guru provides customer support to assist users throughout their experience with the software. Their support team is available to address queries, provide guidance, and resolve any issues that may arise. The level of customer support may vary, so it's advisable to check with the Event Guru team for specific details on available support channels and response times.


Event Guru offers integrations with other software and platforms to enhance functionality and streamline workflows. These integrations may include popular applications for marketing, CRM, payment processing, and accounting. It's recommended to check with the Event Guru team or refer to their documentation for a comprehensive list of available integrations.

Function Trackerfunction tracker venue management software

Function Tracker is a venue management software that offers a range of features to streamline event planning and management processes. Let's explore its key features, pricing, ease of use, customer support, and integrations:


  • Booking management. Efficiently manage bookings in your event space and view event details, calendar, and availability in daily, weekly, monthly, or agenda views.

  • Food and beverage management. Easily handle food and beverage requirements, manage menus, create packages, calculate costs, and itemize menus for equipment, decorations, and logistics.

  • Quotes, contracts, and running sheet creation. Create quotes, contracts, running sheets, kitchen sheets, and event running orders using customizable templates. Print, PDF, or email directly from the software.

  • Venue and space management. Create and manage rooms and sub-rooms, set room hire types and charges, and manage rooms within multiple locations.

  • Invoicing and payments. Manage financial details, record bonds and deposits, generate deposit invoices and receipts, track outstanding payments, and record different payment types.


Function Tracker offers a free trial and 5 pricing plans depending on your preferences and needs. The plans start at $62/month, and others range from $125 to $330.

function tracker pricing

Ease of use

Function Tracker is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for venue managers and event organizers to navigate the software. Its interface provides a clear and organized layout for efficient event management.

Customer support

Function tracker can be reached through their chatbot on their website, email or phone. Their support team is available to provide guidance, training, and troubleshooting. 


Function Tracker has several integrations with restaurant booking and accounting software and the most popular are: MailChimp, Office, and Dropbox.

Brite Venuebrite venue event management software

Brite Venue offers a comprehensive set of features to streamline booking management, enhance communication with clients, and simplify financial processes, ultimately optimizing your venue operations.


  • Inquiry management. Gather inquiries from your website and respond quickly using pre-built templates. Set follow-up emails and tasks to streamline communication and never miss an inquiry.

  • Digital quotes & contracts. Generate quotes and contracts in minutes, enabling swift turnaround times and enhancing the booking process for clients.

  • Surveys. Automate post-event surveys to collect customer feedback and testimonials effortlessly, helping you improve your services and gather valuable insights.

  • Reporting. Powerful dashboards provide real-time insights into your sales pipeline, inquiries, and confirmed bookings, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and monitor your venue's performance.

  • Calendar management. Easily manage all bookings, tasks, and venue tours with an intuitive calendar. Integration with Google Calendar ensures centralized scheduling.

  • Event details & client communications. Keep track of all event details and client communications within Brite Venue. Share interactive event webpages with clients for streamlined communication and collaboration.


Pricing isn’t available on their website, but you can book a demo.

Ease of use

Customers have noted that BriteVenue is very user-friendly and great for beginners.

Customer support

BriteVenue has a chatbot on its website, available 24/7.


BriteVenue has a few useful integrations such as Mail Chimp, Gmail, Office and Xero.

AllSeatedallseated venue management software

Allseated OPS is a comprehensive venue management software that offers easy-to-use tools for event planning and coordination. The software enables seamless management of guest lists, RSVPs, and seating charts and offers the convenience of generating various event reports.


  • Design floor plans. Create event layouts using a vast library of floor plan templates and furniture objects. Visualize the event space and optimize seating arrangements.

  • Manage guest lists & seating charts. Keep track of guest lists, RSVPs, meal preferences, and seating arrangements. Easily arrange seating within the floor plan.

  • 3D tabletop designer. Design tablescapes by accurately visualizing how items fit on tabletops. Choose from an extensive item library to create stunning table setups.

  • Generate reports. Generate various reports, including floorplans, seating charts, guest lists, and other crucial details. Keep your vendor team and clients informed and up to date.


For the price, reach out for a private demo.

Ease of use

The real-time collaboration feature and user-friendly interface make Allseated OPS a user-friendly solution for streamlining event planning and creating memorable experiences.

Customer support

They are available 24/7 plus provide blogs and other resources for users who want to find information on their own.


No integrations are publicly available.

10 best venue management software: comparison table

Tool name Price/month Booking management Floor plan design Reporting and analytics Customer communication
Eat App Free/$34 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Event Temple $109 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Tripleseat / ✔️ ✔️
Perfect Venue $59 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
IVvy Venue management / ✔️ ✔️
Rendezvous Events / ✔️
Event Guru / ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Function Tracker $62 ✔️
Brite Venue / ✔️
AllSeated / ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


When it comes to choosing the best venue/event management software, considering key criteria such as features, price, ease of use, customer support, and integrations is crucial.

After careful evaluation, Eat App emerges as the top option that excels in all these aspects. With its comprehensive features, competitive pricing, user-friendly interface, excellent customer support, and seamless integrations Eat App stands out as the ideal solution for venue organizers. 

To experience the benefits firsthand, we invite you to sign up for a free trial of Eat App and discover how it can streamline your venue management processes and elevate your business to new heights.

Don't miss out on this opportunity – sign up today for Eat App’s free trial and unlock the full potential of your venue!


Frequently Ask Questions

What is a venue program?

A venue program typically refers to a software or system specifically designed for managing and organizing events, bookings, and operations within a venue. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to streamline the management of event spaces, facilities, and resources within a specific location, such as a conference center, hotel, restaurant, or entertainment venue. By utilizing a venue program, businesses can effectively manage their event spaces, optimize resource allocation, improve customer experience, and increase operational efficiency.

What is a venue manager?

A venue manager is an individual responsible for overseeing and managing the operations and activities of a specific venue, such as a conference center, theater, stadium, hotel, or event space. The role of a venue manager is to ensure the smooth functioning of the venue, provide a positive experience for clients and guests, and maximize the profitability of the facility.

What is a venue booking system?

A venue booking system refers to a software or platform that facilitates the process of booking and managing event spaces within a venue. It is designed to streamline the reservation and booking process, enabling both venue owners and clients to efficiently manage and secure event spaces.

How to choose a venue management software?

To choose a venue management software you need to meet your venue management requirements. Assess the specific challenges you want to address, such as event scheduling, booking management, reporting, or CRM capabilities. Consider factors like venue size, types of events hosted, and integration needs with existing systems.Then, consider the most popular venue/event management platform on the market, and analyze the ease of use, price, feature list and the responsiveness of customer support. A free trial is the best way to determine if the software matches your business needs, or simply read this guide.




Senior Content Manager at Eat App

Elana Kroon used to work in restaurants before becoming a journalist and expert restaurant industry content creator at Eat App.

Reviewed by

Nezar Kadhem

Nezar Kadhem

Co-founder and CEO of Eat App

He is a regular speaker and panelist at industry events, contributing on topics such as digital transformation in the hospitality industry, revenue channel optimization and dine-in experience.

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