Three Ways IoT’s Physical-Digital-Physical Framework Helps Restaurants Enhance Operational Efficiency

Restaurant management and operations personnel are always on the search for proactive ways to increase operational efficiency and reduce waste while complying with local regulations. Today, the sophistication of IoT technology available to the restaurant sector is at an all-time high. If leveraged within the correct outcome-based framework, these interconnected technologies have the potential to improve operational visibility in a way that impacts critical real-world results. 

The byproduct is a feedback loop that enhances employee guidance and training, reduces shrink and carbon footprint, ensures the highest levels of store cleanliness and hygiene, and enables your teams to focus on and cater to consumers. Leveraging a physical-digital-physical framework ensures that restaurant management is maximizing their digital assets, human labor, and capital equipment investments. With U.S. restaurants  wasting between 22 to 33 billion pounds of food each year, every improvement in…