How Video Email Marketing Can Improve Your Restaurant Branding

There is no other visual that can communicate as effectively and quickly as video. Also, there is no other marketing medium that can reach your customers as best and as affordable as email marketing. In fact, 65 percent of small businesses use email to communicate with their clients.  Video email marketing makes a lot of sense. This is especially true if you wish to boost awareness about your restaurant, attracting new dine-ins, or enticing customers to keep coming back. 

Video Email Marketing: What is it and Why Should You do it?This is not some special type of email marketing. It literally refers to the idea of adding videos to your email campaigns

So, why should you even consider adding videos to emails?

Well, for one, adding the word “video” in your email subject line can improve your click-through rate by 96%. It only means that people are more curious to see what is inside your email with videos. Users also see the information displayed in the video to be more…