Liquor Licensing 101 for Restaurants in Recovery

 As restaurants hire new employees, they are finding it more difficult to come across experienced workers who can also train other team members. A major pain point for our clients has been navigating regulatory compliance issues such as corporate officer updates, alcohol license and permit renewals, and training team members in proper alcohol service protocol.

For most restaurants, it is vital to maintain their liquor licenses in good standing especially at this pivotal moment, considering the Small Business Chronicle reported liquor sales tend to have some of the largest profit margins of anything on a menu, averaging between 75 percent to 80 percent.

Here I will walk through actionable tips to help you train employees and understand the basics of liquor licensing as your restaurant bounces back:

Renewing Your Liquor License The first step is to verify your liquor license and operating permits are renewed and active. Although there are fees associated with renewal, if you do not…