How to Create Loyal Restaurant Patrons (Infographic)

It’s no secret that loyal customers drive more business at a lower cost than first-time guests. But how can you create restaurant regulars in this competitive market? Consider the five points below when cultivating a world class experience for your customer. Think about how you can implement each of these creatively, and don’t be afraid to try something new. Consider the ROI of your efforts, and continually update them to provide the most return for the bottom line. 

Provide a Consistent ExperienceFrom the second a customer walks in, there should be a consistent greeting that makes them feel welcome. Excellent service should be standard, and each time a customer dines should make them feel identical to the last.

Build Relationships with Existing ClientsYour employees should know each of your regulars by first name and greet them as such. Consider discount opportunities for your most loyal customers. Make sure your restaurant POS system is equipped with a rewards system to…