Four Ways Restaurant Owners Can Regain Guest’s Trust

The world is slowly reopening.Restaurant owners are looking for creative ways to revamp the indoor dining experience with improved health and safety standards. During shut-downs, many restaurants were forced to move operations to carry-out and delivery only, but as the world begins to reopen, restaurants will need to figure out how to rebuild customer confidence around indoor dining operations.

Restaurant owners can use these helpful tips to promote key health and safety standards in order to regain trust and improve the overall customer experience:

Improve Air, Hand and Surface HygieneAccording to the CDC, the coronavirus is more likely to spread via airborne droplets. HEPA-13 portable air purifiers can be used to filter these contaminated droplets. When used in conjunction with proper air purifying systems, opening windows is another great way to improve indoor air quality by bringing in natural flowing air. 

Although not as great, the risk of surface transmissions is still…