Digital du Jour

Menus are shifting quickly to digital screens, promising operational efficiency and a consistent brand experience from dine-in to drive-thru. Physical menus are a trial to maintain: They need to show multiple day parts, they may not reflect what’s actually available in the kitchen, and they can be impossible to coordinate across more than a few locations. While there are clear benefits to an all-digital menu system, to get the most out them, you must first take a step back to re-examine what your menu means to you.

Your menu: Part love letter, part manifesto, instructions for use and a bill of goods, all rolled into one. No other artifact in your restaurant is more capable of setting the tone or telling your story. 

Your menu: Part love letter, part manifesto, instructions for use and a bill of goods, all rolled into one.

In early 2020 our team canvassed menus across the United States. Here’s just a bit of what we saw. Spanish Diner in New York supersizes their specials on a…