Controlling What You Can: Risk Reduction and Restaurant Technology

Controlling the variables in the restaurant industry can feel like a game of whack-a-mole if you don’t have the right tools at your fingertips. Especially in a time where the industry is in flux because of the pandemic, juggling things like food costs, keeping shifts full and food safety can feel more difficult than ever.

Fortunately, controlling the variables that can pose a risk to your business are within your grasp. Modern restaurant technology can provide peace of mind to operators worried about food safety violations, labor law mistakes, falsified data and more.

If you’re looking for ways to reduce the risks to your operations, here are a few things operators are doing to protect their businesses.

1. Double Down on Food SafetyFood safety problems and foodborne illnesses can do serious damage to your brand reputation. However, no matter how dedicated your employees are to safe food practices, it only takes one mistake to potentially sicken customers, which is why many…