Why Your Restaurant Needs Front-of-House Automation Workflows

Restaurants are making use of workflow automation to increase efficiency in numerous ways inlcuding customer service automation and sales and marketing automation.

Automating customer service tasks helps to improve the customer experience. Not only does this boost your business reputation, but it also improves customer retention. 65 percent of customer service experts say that most feedback-gathering is automated.

Sales teams and marketers are deploying sales and marketing technology to automate the customers' journey and accelerate conversions. 83 percent of marketing departments automate social media posting, 75 percent automate email marketing, 58 percent automate social media advertising, and 36 percent automate social media engagement. 

Benefits of Workflow AutomationImproving customer service

This can be provided by automating responses to basic customer queries or engaging with customers after every order to increase customer engagement. Responsiveness increases…