The New Order: Five Important Focus Areas for Greener Operations

For restaurants, the official entrance into the ‘recovery stage’ is by no means a finish line. Still recovering from diminished margins, restaurateurs are facing heightened consumer standards in the new, post-pandemic market. And many of those standards involve responsibility in its many forms. 

Throughout the paused activity of 2020 and 2021, people everywhere were reminded of the delicate ecosystem that exists between individuals and their communities, as well as between people and their planet. When less trips to the office almost automatically translated to clearer night skies and more sightings of wildlife, the imperative to address the twin pandemic of climate change became unignorable. Similarly, when people began making sacrifices for their neighbors—wearing a mask, social distancing, limiting their outings for the necessities—the instinct to advocate for fellow community members, including the employees of local restaurants, returned in a healthier form. 
