Measuring KPIs for Food Safety Success in Holiday Menu Items, Off-Premise Catering, LTOs, and Beyond

It's the most wonderful time of the year...and for many restaurant operators, one of the busiest. The holiday season offers opportunities for catering orders, off-site catering, in-store limited-time offers of holiday favorites, and all of the increased revenue that comes with them. As we approach the new year, many restaurants will revise their menus to introduce new year-round items. 

Why Measure Food Safety Performance?Achieving food safety excellence should be a continual goal. A restaurant is not stagnant. Processes, equipment, menus, and products are always changing. Therefore, a restaurant's food safety goals should evolve along with these changes. 

For that reason, it's important for organizations to regularly evaluate their restaurants and processes to determine their most important food safety goals, measure them, and hold employees accountable for achieving those goals. 

Establishing Your Key Performance IndicatorsTo begin measuring food safety performance…