Restaurant Trends: Top Predictions for the Coming Decade

Some things never change.People love to eat out and return when the experience is special. In fact, they love it so much that overall restaurant industry sales are projected to reach a record high of $863 billion in 2019. But as much as things stay the same, there’s just as much that’s changing — and disrupting — the restaurant industry as we’ve always known it. So, where are we headed? What’s on our collective horizon for the future of dining? Here’s a look at the top predictions for the coming decade.   

Customer-led Ordering and Payment Outside of fine dining establishments (which constitute only a small percentage of restaurant businesses), customers no longer want to be dependent on a host to seat them or a server to take their order or process their payment.  

Instead, restaurant guests increasingly want to take matters — quite literally — into their own hands. They want a flexible, fast, customized, and “frictionless” dining experience — one…