What Do Guests Think About Dynamic Pricing?

Dynamic pricing would add friction to the guest experience, according to Capterra’s 2023 Dynamic Pricing in Restaurants. Sixty-five percent of consumers say dynamic pricing would make the decision of where and when to eat more difficult; 63 percent say it would make it harder to budget their restaurant spending. 

The research indicates consumer sentiment on dynamic pricing is overwhelmingly negative, and that most customers are unlikely to utilize it in a way that benefits restaurants. Just 34 percent of consumers think dynamic pricing is good for customers, and 42 percent would order less frequently, if at all, from a preferred restaurant if it began using the technology.   

The survey of more than 900 U.S. consumers also found that:

Customers are attentive and sensitive to menu prices: 81 percent of consumers check menu prices always or often before they choose where to eat, and 51 percent have stopped patronizing a preferred restaurant due to recent price…