MRM Research Roundup: End-of-July 2020 Edition

This edition of Modern Restaurant Management (MRM) magazine's Research Roundup features the state of flavor, COVID-19 restaurant operations, public acceptance of delivery charges, the best of the best and the most allergy-friendly restaurant chains.DoorDash Deep DishUsing order data from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 and a national consumer survey, DoorDash’s mid-year report checks in on popular food trends, nationally and regionally, how users ate through social distancing, cravings across the country, and more. The national consumer survey polled 2,000 Americans on what they cooked, ate, and baked the most, the top food and drink they missed while restaurants were closed, the impact the past six months have had on vacation plans, and more. 

Highlights from the DoorDash Deep Dish include:

More cooking, more problems: 70 percent of Americans have spent more time cooking over the past 6 months, and 47 percent agree that they’re tired of it

DoorDash to the rescue: 25…