Top 10 Features A Successful Website for Restaurants Should Have

If you are reading this article you are one of the brave. Strong enough to take the risk and I commend you. You may find yourself second guessing things about your venture like location, vendor selection and finding quality employees. One overlooked aspect of owning a successful restaurant, or any business in today’s modern age is an effective online presence and a quality website. This blog will steer you in the right direction. Here are ten items you should implement on your website.

10. Allow Customers to Make Reservations OnlineAdding a simple widget like Open Table’s Make a Reservation for customers brings several advantages. First and foremost, it is an almost guaranteed seating. This is an easy to implement feature that makes your restaurant a priority. If they can book right then and there why would they continue to search for other options. It also implies that your restaurant is in high demand. 

9. Offer Online PromotionsPromotions help get first time customers in the…