How To

Roast, Fry, or Smoke: Tips on Cooking a Tasty Turkey Icon
Roast, Fry, or Smoke: Tips on Cooking a Tasty Turkey

Whether you prefer your turkey fried, smoked, or stuffed and roasted, KaTom covers all the information you need to safely prepare a moist, delicious bird.

Installing Casters on a Reach-in: Video & Instructions Icon
Installing Casters on a Reach-in: Video & Instructions

Learn how to install casters on a reach-in with this helpful installation video and step-by-step instructions from the team at KaTom.

Menu Labeling & the Restaurant Industry Icon
Menu Labeling & the Restaurant Industry

Nutrition labeling requirements have evolved in recent years. KaTom covers the facts on FDA rules for restaurant nutrition information.

Chicago Food Handler's Certificate Icon
Chicago Food Handler's Certificate

Learn about getting an Illinois food handler certificate. Chicago restaurants require this training; join KaTom as we cover all the details.

How to Handle Social Media Criticism Icon
How to Handle Social Media Criticism

Restaurants can build positive relationships with customers by responding appropriately to social media criticism and comments.

Social Media for Restaurants: Using Paid Ads Icon
Social Media for Restaurants: Using Paid Ads

Advertising on social media can be a powerful way for restaurants to bring in customers. Learn how to launch an effective campaign here.

Social Media for Restaurants: Choosing Your Platform Icon
Social Media for Restaurants: Choosing Your Platform

Social media platforms can be a useful way for foodservice brands to interact with customers. KaTom explains Facebook, TikTok, and more.

Joanie Simon's Food Photography Tips Icon
Joanie Simon's Food Photography Tips

Joanie Simon dishes up some food photography tips for restaurateurs and home chefs hoping to take better pictures of their food.

Restaurant Resolutions & Healthier Menu Choices Icon
Restaurant Resolutions & Healthier Menu Choices

Has the New Year left you wondering how to eat healthy at a restaurant? Here are a few tips for making healthier choices all year long.

The Basics of Wine Storage Icon
The Basics of Wine Storage

Learning proper wine storage techniques can elevate your drink program. These tips can help prevent loss of valuable liquid assets.

A Sommelier's Tips for Drinking Wine Icon
A Sommelier's Tips for Drinking Wine

From your attitude to your meal, sommelier Chris Horn shares his wine tips for enhancing your experience at wine bars and restaurants.

Types of Tea: A Beginner's Guide Icon
Types of Tea: A Beginner's Guide

Want to know the differences between the types of tea? Our beginner's guide explains tea varieties, steeping recommendations, and more.

Chill a Mountain of Beer in Minutes, the Bartender’s Way Icon
Chill a Mountain of Beer in Minutes, the Bartender’s Way

Need a how-to for quickly chilling hundreds of bottles of beer for your next event? KaTom has you covered with this handy guide.

5 Alternative Uses for a Brute Trash Can by Rubbermaid Icon
5 Alternative Uses for a Brute Trash Can by Rubbermaid

Put your Rubbermaid to work at work or home with these five hacks for the commercial-strength Brute trash cans.

Understanding the Types of Sugar in Your Kitchen Icon
Understanding the Types of Sugar in Your Kitchen

Learn everything you need to know about caster sugar, brown sugar, and other types of sugar with KaTom's short and sweet guide.

12 Basic Cooking Techniques Icon
12 Basic Cooking Techniques

KaTom's guide to some of the basic cooking techniques you'll find in recipes will teach you about deglazing a pan, julienning, and more.

What is Caster Sugar? Icon
What is Caster Sugar?

Caster sugar is a type of sugar that's frequently used in desserts, baked goods, and cocktail recipes. Learn about it with KaTom's guide.

Marzipan & How to Make It Icon
Marzipan & How to Make It

What is Marzipan? Learn about this sweet confectionery's history and how it's used to make Instagram-worthy cakes and delicious desserts.

5 Ways to Infuse Grilled Food With Flavor Icon
5 Ways to Infuse Grilled Food With Flavor

Infuse your grilled foods with flavor using these five methods! KaTom's guide explains basting, brining, and more.

Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder Icon
Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder

What's the difference between baking soda and baking powder? KaTom explains how to successfully swap one for the other in a recipe.

How to Use a Pizza Stone Icon
How to Use a Pizza Stone

Not sure how to use a pizza stone? Let KaTom teach you the basics of cooking pizza in your kitchen with this unique baking tool.

12 Menu Items & Ingredients You May Be Mispronouncing Icon
12 Menu Items & Ingredients You May Be Mispronouncing

Don't let the fear of mispronouncing a dish keep you from trying new food. Use KaTom's pronunciation guide to place orders with confidence.

Weighing Liquid vs Dry Measuring Cups Icon
Weighing Liquid vs Dry Measuring Cups

Choosing the right measuring cup can help you get accurate measurements with no mess. Learn about liquid vs dry measuring cups with KaTom.

Using a Springform Pan Icon
Using a Springform Pan

Springform pans simplify dish removal, ensuring foods remain intact after they bake. Learn what is a springform pan and more with KaTom.