MRM EXCLUSIVE: ‘Marketing Loud Speaker’ Revs Up QSR Response and Sales

Shake up your quick serve restaurant (QSR) and fast casual dining marketing response with voice response via smart speakers and voice assistants. When cell phones got smart, they became the shiny new technology toy. Now it’s smart speakers, which are proliferating like crazy. With growing speaker popularity, voice activated calls to action are growing by leaps and bounds. Instead of having to go to a website, click on a text link or access an offer through a QR code, restaurant consumers can simply utter a code or phrase into their smart speaker to redeem offers, find out more information, express opinions, leave reviews and the like. This opens up a vast new way for both online and offline marketers to engage consumers, in turn driving up response and revenues.

Voice Response Taps into EmotionsJust as verbal interaction can offer more opportunities to tap into human emotions than static visuals, so does smart speaker-based communication present novel ways to connect emotionally…