Understanding Clients’ Needs for a Workable Return to the Restaurant Experience

Over the past few weeks, we have met with clients, attended roundtables, observed trends and polls, and have kept our creativity flowing, to develop design solutions to help sustain our food and beverage industry partners through COVID-19 and beyond. 

New design solutions we’re considering include temporary enclosures around existing seating groups, devising clever touchless delivery systems inside existing and new restaurants, rethinking the curbside pickup landscape for our mixed-use projects as a starting point. 

However, among our clients’ topmost concerns is creating an “escape” to a semblance of pre-COVID-19 life. Redefining that experience will be important. They are confident people want to go back to dining out and not be reminded of COVID-19. And, although this may be the case, it’s still important to maintain safe precautions. To that end, many clients shared their ideas of what they think will be most important in the coming months.

Cleanliness Is Front and…