Being Short Staffed Is No Excuse for Poor Customer Service

It has been a rough two-plus years for the restaurant industry.Devastated by COVID, indoor dinning coming to an abrupt ending, employees being laid-off, others put on reduced schedules, and way too many restaurants closing.  Even now, as pandemic numbers are reduced and diners are returning, inflation, the cost of food and worries of a recession are ominous warning signs.

And now, as the pandemic subsides, and customers return to restaurants in growing numbers, owners and managers are dealing with another crisis: being short staffed. But being short staffed, even though it’s a legitimate excuse, is not justification for poor customer service. Other than the quality of a meal, customer service is key to attracting customers and keeping them coming back.

There are ways restaurants short on staff can still provide excellent service. Here are a few suggestions 

Proper Training Is ParamountFirst, and most important, what type of customer service training have you given your…