Will a Vaccine Be the Light at the End of the Tunnel for the Restaurant Industry?

2020 has been a challenging year for restaurants and hospitality professionals to say the least. The good news is that with the recent announcement of three vaccine trials that are up to 95-percent effective, the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming more apparent. 

Looking ahead to 2021, there are three trends we see defining the restaurant and hospitality industry.

1: COVID pivots are here to stay for a while longer until widespread vaccination and herd immunity.Heading into the winter months, restaurants will be challenged even further as the revenue streams that have been keeping them afloat during the summer and fall such as outdoor dining and patio seating will see fewer customers with inclement weather and colder temperatures. 

By this point, most restaurants have experimented with their concept and menu to adapt. From elevated takeout, optimizing their menu for delivery, repurposing parking lots and urban streets, kitchen upgrades with technology, to selling consumer…