Five Tips to Ensure Your Reopened Restaurant Has Safe Water

Restaurants across the country are starting to open their doors back up to customers who’ve been eagerly waiting for their return. As a restaurant owner or manager, you’ve probably thought through your reopening plan, from how to distance your guests appropriately to keeping your staff safe and healthy in the transition. But have you thought about the safety of your water? 

While businesses have been shut down amid the Coronavirus pandemic, there’s a chance that water has been sitting stagnant in your pipes and may be unsafe for guests and your staff. The chance of bacteria growth, including E. coli and legionella, as well as metal contaminants like iron and lead entering your water are a stong possibility, and need to be properly handled before you start accepting reservations from guests.

Whether this is your responsibility or something you will work on with your building manager, here are some tips to use as a guideline as you work together toward reopening and providing…