Choosing the Right Ice for Your Cocktails

Cocktail experience is one of the many reasons your customers return repeatedly. There is a lot to consider when selecting the perfect ice type like nugget, sphere, squared, crescent, and many more. The bigger the crowd, the bigger the ice demand. Everyone relies on high quality, dependable ice machines that are designed to output the right amount of ice. Waiting for your ice cube trays could cost you more money in the long run than leasing an ice machine.

Here are some of the many ways your cocktail experience can make you money:

Free MarketingSocial media has made a big impact on the restaurant industry. Most restaurants depend on reviews and recommendations from their current patrons. If your cocktails look beautiful, your customers will share pictures with their friends. Think of it as free publicity. From creating bespoke cocktails to the presentation of seafood, ice is considered a critical part of aesthetics. An old fashioned with crushed ice doesn’t look too visually…