MRM EXCLUSIVE: Restaurants Can Benefit by Embracing Automation

For the longest time, there has been an idea that automation would take away jobs. It has been thought that, eventually, machines would be able to do jobs better than humans. However, when it comes to restaurant work, it is difficult to envision that as a possibility. There is a craft to great food that a robot cannot replace. Nevertheless, automation can help restaurants and restaurant staff perform their job more easily and efficiently. The key is to not be afraid of what automation might take away but to instead imagine what automation can enable you to do.

Think Small for Big Changes The amount of time spent in restaurants doing busy work is more than any restaurant staff member wants to be doing. You’ve been there; you know how tedious it is. After prepping a whole bunch of, let’s say, tomatoes; you must label them with the date they were sliced and the date they will no longer be able to be served. It takes up much time when you think of the number of things you must label…