Three Types of Bad Reviews and How to Respond to Them

Bad reviews can come from anywhere and stay on the internet for thousands of potential customers to see. 

Some reviews point out small, one-off incidents and others touch on systematic problems. To help ease some of the frustration that follows receiving a negative review, look at it this way. All negative reviews hold valuable information about how your restaurant can improve.

Why Respond to Bad Reviews?Not responding to negative reviews tells potential customers that you don't care about your reputation and your customers. Acknowledge peccadillos both large and small and thank the customer for their feedback. This shows that you have class and a willingness to improve and respect the customer's time. Mitigate damage to your reputation by responding to reviews with humility and gratitude.

What if You Disagree with the Review?Sometimes a negative review comes completely out of left-field. It might seem too picky, unfair, or fake. You can petition to have reviews that violate…