How Have Catering Supplies Transformed in 2019?

In recent years, consumers have been demanding higher standards from the catering industry. Environmental concerns, dietary requirements, and cost efficiency have all been at the centre of these demands. Cheap and easy solutions are no longer enough. If catering companies want to keep up with consumer trends, they must start focussing on sustainably and how their products can support social change. Catering supplies have evolved with these trends, and items such as biodegradable and reusable packaging have been introduced. Focussing on various improvement areas, let’s take a look at what has changed in the catering industry and what is still to be done.

Eco-Friendly Changes According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and World Economic Forum, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2025. With more people waking up to the climate emergency, customers are demanding eco-friendly catering supplies. This has guided the industry towards decreased plastic use and encouraged…