Five Ways to Combat Restaurant Manager Burnout

The majority of restaurant operators expect the restaurant staffing shortage to extend into 2023 or later, according to the National Restaurant Association’s 2022 State of the Industry Report. Inevitably, the constant stress of being short-staffed and working tirelessly to fill the staffing gaps is causing many restaurant managers to suffer from job burnout. 

Stress is part of the territory as a restaurant manager. The long hours, endless tasks, and physical demands are expected, but can also be managed. However, if the stress begins to carry over into one’s personal life, taking a mental and emotional toll that makes a person feel they can no longer function, it may be considered burnout. 

The physical and emotional stress of job burnout not only cause increased manager turnover but can also lead to serious medical conditions including fatigue, depression, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment, and more. 

All careers have their ups and downs. If a manager begins feeling…