Pest Trends for 2022: The Year of the Rodent

As the world continues to recover from the COVID 19-pandemic, much of the business and operational world has shifted. Labor and supply shortages continue to impact everything from grocery stores, to restaurants and distribution centers. One thing that is not in short supply for many of these commercial spaces: pests. 

Rentokil pest experts across the country expect to see an increase in pest activity in 2022. With minimal products stocking the shelves and fewer staff on board to manage commercial facilities, restaurant managers can use these 2022 commercial pest trends and expert insights to help keep commercial spaces pest-free.

Get Ready for More RodentsRats and mice are adaptive creatures who hide from humans and seek out quiet and dark spaces for nesting. As supplies and labor remain in high-demand, rodents are taking advantage of the unoccupied spaces and left behind materials to build their ideal nests inside open facilities. 

Rentokil experts in multiple regions across the…