Where Safety Meets Satisfaction — Tips For COVID-Era Restaurateurs to Elevate Their Customer Offerings

The pandemic has left restaurateurs around the world scrambling for ways to diversify their product offerings and continue to attract business. In a time when uncertainty abounds and cost-effectiveness is essential, businesses that can still offer their clients a safe, comfortable place to retreat will be that much closer to survival. Smart business owners who find inexpensive, creative ways to anticipate and fulfill customers’ needs will stand out through COVID-19 and beyond.

Here are some needs that customers are likely to be prioritizing right now, with some low-cost ideas on how to meet those needs.

Safety and NormalcyIn recent months, the public’s primary need has been to feel safe, so restaurant management should ensure guests are aware of efforts to protect their health and well-being. These efforts should be made clear but not necessarily glaring or overt; customers’ very important secondary need is to enjoy the culinary arts in an environment of some normalcy…