How to Find and Retain Workers During the Restaurant Hiring Crisis

The good news for restaurants is now that many state restrictions are lifted and dining hours are expanding, newly vaccinated patrons are venturing out, and the restaurants who survived are getting slammed with customers. But the bad news is they are having trouble hiring and filling positions across the board for cooks, servers, FOH and BOH positions.

It’s hard to believe but the restaurant industry is facing another crisis since COVID hit and forced so many closings last year: finding available workers.

At Landed, we are dedicated to helping the restaurant industry find and hire better quality candidates faster.  Here is some of our advice for restaurant hiring managers during this stressful time of finding candidates.

Get ProactiveA lot of hiring managers are stuck in an old mindset. They expect candidates to pursue them and only need to be responsive to these inbounds. That’s not happening now. They think if a candidate doesn’t respond immediately that the candidate is…