MRM Research Roundup: Halloween-2019 Edition

This edition of Modern Restaurant Management (MRM) magazine's Research Roundup features interesting and insightful trends from Upserve, order for pickup guest experience study results,  the Fraud Aftershock Index and  the importance of foot traffic.

National Menu TrendsThe team at Upserve just released their  latest trends report. They collected and analyzed sales data between January 2018 and July 2019 from over 10,000 restaurants nationwide, measured the sales performance of each item, and ranked each item based on its overall and trending popularity. They also analyzed how their national menu trends compared to the menus of their James Beard award-winning customers. 

Some key menu trends and takeaways include:

If you’re not including substantial and delicious vegan options, you could be missing out on a lot of business. Guests are getting more and more into trying unconventional seafood – the weirder, the better. The rise of the mocktail: how…