3 simple SEO tips that will help you grow your business

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is one of the most important aspects of running an online business today. When you improve your SEO, you’ll make it more likely that the right people will find your website on related search engine results pages (SERPs), meaning you can draw in more high-quality traffic and get more sales!

In this article, we’re going to outline three different SEO tips that can help you grow your business. Let’s get started.

Using the right keywords in your copy will attract quality traffic

Keywords are words or phrases relevant to your business that people are typing into search engines. A tool like Google Trends API will help you to analyze keyword positions and create a list of relevant ones, increase the visibility of your website and get any other information from search engine results pages. If you can target these keywords in the copy of your web pages, you’ll rank higher for the right queries, meaning you can draw in better traffic!

Start by conducting some keyword research. To do this, head to a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner with a list of words and phrases related to your business. Plug these into the tool and Google will then provide you with a list of keywords that people are searching for on these topics. They will also outline their competitiveness, or how hard they are to rank for, and their average monthly search volumes. Look for a balance between these two metrics — you want to reach as many people as possible, but you don’t want your chosen keywords to be so competitive that you risk not ranking at all. Plus, when choosing which keywords to target, be sure that you choose keywords that are very relevant to each page. In other words, if you have a page dedicated to the dresses you sell, target keywords that include “dresses” as opposed to generic clothing keywords. This can help you send more qualified traffic to your website and ultimately increase your sales!

Once you’ve chosen your keywords, weave them into your copy naturally. You should also try to ensure your primary keyword is incorporated into your headline, title, and body copy where relevant. This will give Google more context as to what your web pages are about and get you some better rankings.

Let’s take a look at a website that uses keywords well for inspiration.

Bounce, a luggage storage company, targets keywords well on their service page for luggage storage in New York City. Throughout the web page, they target keywords like “luggage storage New York”, which they rank on the first page of Google for. Notice how this keyword is used in their header — this gives Google more context as to what the page is about and helps them rank higher on the SERPs. Their keyword targeting strategy has worked — in the United States alone, this page ranks in the top 10 Google results for queries with a collective monthly search volume of 10,440. This means the company could easily reach this many people each month, which is sure to help them grow their business.

On your website, use a similar strategy. Target keywords relevant to the specific page you’re working on, and weave them into the titles and headers. Doing this will help give Google a better idea of what your web page is about, giving you a boost on the SERPs as a result.

Creating quality content will give you more opportunities to rank

Creating high-quality content can be very beneficial for your SEO! Not only will blog writing get you more opportunities to target relevant keywords and rank for these queries, but you can also showcase your expertise. To maintain the credibility of your online presence, consider using a reliable content moderation platform to ensure that user-generated content aligns with your brand’s values and guidelines.

Showing off your expertise is a great way to boost your SEO. This is because E-A-T, or expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, is a term that comes from Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines, and it’s something that the search engine has been factoring into their rankings more and more. Essentially, Google only wants to send its searchers the most high-quality information possible, so they tend to rank websites that have expert and trustworthy content. If you can show that you’re a reliable source of information, Google is more likely to boost your rankings on the SERPs!

Let’s take a look at a few examples of businesses that have quality content marketing for inspiration.

For instance, Cisco Umbrella, a security software program provider, has a lot of great content on their blog. Their article on DNS-layer security is particularly well done. The article covers just about everything one would need to know about this type of software: how it works, why it’s secure, and who needs it. Because the article is thorough and shows off Cisco Umbrella’s expertise, this piece of content ranks in the top 10 results on Google for relevant queries with a collective monthly search volume of 3,630. Considering that this is a relatively niche article, this is a great result!

On your website, think about what types of introductory content or guides you could create for your business. Doing this will not only give you more opportunities to weave in relevant keywords, but can show your website visitors that you have expertise in your field, giving you a boost on the SERPs as a result.

HubSpot, a digital marketing company, has some great content on their blog, as well. In one article, they address common customer pain points to show off their expertise, build trust with their customers, and raise their ranking on the SERPs as a result. In the article, they address some of the most common sales objections and how to overcome them. The article outlines how to deal with rejection when it comes to the field of sales. They break down the types of objections by category and how someone can show a customer that their business is worth purchasing from.

This article from HubSpot is great at showing off their expertise — it shows that not only do they know a lot about SEO and backlink building, but they’re also an expert in traditional marketing and sales strategies. On your website, address common questions and customer pain points to show off your expertise in a similar way. It will help you build trust with visitors and raise your rankings on the SERPs.

Finally, WebCreate.io, an expert in website building, has a lot of quality content on their website. For instance, they have the ultimate guide to building a website, which is a thorough article that covers everything beginners need to know about creating an eCommerce website. They explain how to get started with a website plan, what platforms to use, which tools and resources to use, and more.

There many specialist consultants as well, for example if you have a SaaS business, use someone like Mike Khorev: SEO and Inbound Marketing Consultant | SaaS and B2B Marketing Consultant who will have a proven knowledge of your industry.

This ultimate guide offers WebCreate.io a ton of opportunities to target relevant keywords. Plus, it does a great job of showcasing their expertise! On your website, publish ultimate guides that target keywords and showcase your expertise, as WebCreate.io has. You’ll get a boost on the SERPs as a result!

While it’s important to create and publish SEO-friendly content on your website, it can take a lot of time and effort. If you’re not sure you have the time or skills to produce great content that will help you reach your SEO goals, there are professionals out there who can assist you. For instance, Verblio is a company that offers blog writing services designed exactly for this purpose.

Link building will improve your visibility in multiple ways

Link building is the process of acquiring links from other high-quality websites back to your own. When this happens, Google takes it as a vote of confidence in your work and will give you a boost on the SERPs. Additionally, you can get more exposure from the audiences of other websites!

When backlink building, you should also be sure to only build links on websites that your target audience will be looking at. This can help ensure that you direct the best possible traffic to your website!

Additionally, you only want to target websites that are high-quality, as these are the ones that will help give you an SEO boost. The Ahrefs Website Authority Checker can help you there. Head to their tool and plug in the website you’re thinking about targeting for backlinks. They’ll provide you a metric on a scale from zero to one hundred — the higher the domain rating, the stronger and more authoritative it is, meaning it’s more likely to help you rank.

One of the best ways to build backlinks is by guest posting — this is when you write about topics you’re an expert in for relevant websites and blogs. If you are a SaaS business, you can write about the best practices or the latest trends in your industry. This can become a great SaaS link building strategy for you and help more people discover your business through your valuable content. To find blogs you could write for, head to Google with keywords related to your field, and conduct searches like the following:

  • (keyword) + submit a guest post
  • (keyword) + guest blog
  • (keyword) + write for us
  • (keyword) + submission guidelines

These searches can help you find websites that have articles on topics related to your business. If they already have articles on a particular keyword, no worries — these searches will give you a starting point and help you find websites that publish information on your industry. From there, take a look at their submission guidelines — if they don’t have any, look for an email of a writer or editor and ask how you can pitch an idea to them.

Another great way to build links is by consistently publishing great content. If you can create high-quality content, people will want to link back to you as the original source so they can share your insights with their own audience. Ultimate guides and reports on original research are both popular content types that will typically attract a lot of links.


SEO is an extremely important part of running a website that’s successful. In this article, we outlined three different tips that can help you grow your business online, including link building, creating great content, and targeting the right keywords.

Need more help? Check out the App Institute blog. They have posts on innovative app-building strategies, Instagram marketing, and more.

Author bio & headshot:

Alex Ratynski is a Content Strategist at Loganix, an SEO fulfillment partner that works with agencies and marketers. The company focuses on helping businesses to improve their online visibility, so they can grow and reach their goals. If you enjoyed this article, visit the Loganix blog for more expert advice.

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